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Liver is the largest and a very important organ of the body, which performs dual role of distribution of nutrients and detoxification. Health relies upon the body's ability to supply nutrients and metabolites to all the body tissues, and at the same time, to dispose of harmful toxins. The liver "screens" material absorbed by the intestine; they may be passed on to the general circulation to be used by the body; they may be used by the liver or may be transformed and inactivated for disposal. Liver is considered to be the chemical factory of the body, as it performs various complex and important functions in the metabolic process.

Liver regulates the metabolism of dietary constituents i.e. proteins, fats and carbohydrates and breaks them down so that the body tissues easily absorb them.

Maintains the blood sugar levels. Liver stores surplus glucose in the form of glycogen and switches from glycogen into glucose to raise blood sugar levels, when energy is required for body functions.

  • Produces bile, which aids the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins.
  • It also stores vitamins such as vitamin A, D, K, B12 and minerals such as iron, copper etc.
  • Synthesizes proteins and maintains the plasma protein levels to normal.
  • Liver processes vast amount of waste products such as ammonia and urea (nitrogenous waste) from amino acids, the products of protein digestion.
  • It plays an important role in maintaining the clotting.
  • mechanism.

Also helps in the formation of blood cells and building of body's immune mechanism.
Therefore, liver becomes one of the most important organs in the body, and any kind of Impairment in Its functional capacities disturbs all these important metabolic functions.

Alcohol, Virus and Drugs are known to cause liver damage. Any kind of alcohol, even in case of social drinkers, there are chances of functional impairment of the liver. Viruses may get transmitted through blood, by way of blood transfusion, through sexual contact or even by sharing a shaving razor of an infected person. Viruses may also contaminate the food and cause liver damage leading to hepatitis (jaundice). Drugs in the treatment for tuberculosis are known to cause hepatotoxicity. Besides, increasingly complex chemical environment, industrial pollutants, chemicals in the atmosphere, food and water, food additives, food coloring agents and preservatives, pesticides, D.D.T. and smoking put additional burden on the liver.

In all such situations, treatment with time-tested Ayurvedic herbal hepato-protective is the safest and surest way to prevent and cure the liver disorders.

HEPTOVIT is a poly-herbal formulation to protect the liver from all such dangers. It is interesting to note that in conditions like "Hepatitis B" which is a challenge to the world of medicine, HEPTOVIT provides a ray of hope by virtue of its protective action against all kinds of hepatotoxins.


HEPTOVIT is a poly-herbal formulation to protect the liver from all kinds of hepatotoxins.

Each soft gel capsule contains following extracts:
Equal mix of:

  • Phyllanthus niruri (herb) 20.00mg
  • Emblica officinalis (fruits) 75.00 mg
  • Ellipta alba (herb) 15.00 mg
  • Fumaria parviflora (whole plant) 10.00 mg
  • Piper longum (fruit) 8.33 mg
  • Berberis aristate (stem bark) 6.88 mg
  • Picrorhiza kurroa (root) 6.25 mg
  • Boerhaavia diffuse (herb) 5.88 mg.
  • Plumbago zeylanica (root) 5.00 mg
  • Tinos Pora cordifolia (stem) 5.00 mg
  • Zingiber officinale (rhizome) 4.16 mg
  • Andrographis paniculate (herb) 3.33 mg


HEPTOVIT Soft gel capsules: Carton of 3 x 10's.


Store below 25° c, in a dry place, away from direct Sunlight. 


Phyllanthus niruri : Clinically effective in hepatitis B1
Equal mix of (Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica, Terminalia chebula). Potent antioxidant protects parenchymal damage.

  • Eclipta alba: Anti-hepatotoxic against CCI, galactosamine & phalloidin induced toxcity3.
  • Berberis aristata : Strong choleretic, stimulates bile excretion by 72%.
  • Fumaria parviflora: Eases spastic discomfort in gall bladder area.
  • Boerhaavia diffusa: Hepatoprotective against CCI,
  • Zingiber officinale: Possess cholagogic activity and increases g.i. motility.
  • Plumbago zeylanica : Useful in stimulating digestive enzymes.
  • Tinospora cordifolia: Immunomodulator, prevents fibrosis & promotes regeneration of liver.
  • Androgrhaphis paniculata : Significant choleretic activity.
  • Picrorrhiza kurroa : Proven hepato-protective"
  • Piper longum: Clinically proven bioavailability enhancer12


  1. Lancet V-II (8614) p. 764-766, (1988)
  2. Abhang R.Y. Deerghayu International 2:3 (1976)
  3.  Wagner H, et at. Planta Medica, 5, 370 (1986) 
  4. PDR of Herbal Medicine, New Jersey, p. 688. (1992) 
  5. PDR of Herbal Medicine, New Jersey, p. 856, (1992) 
  6. Indian drugs. Vol. 27(3), p. 161-166, (1989)
  7.  Journal of Ethno pharmacology. 13, 217, (1985) 
  8. Indian J. Pharm., 24-290: (1962)
  9. J. Res. Edu. Ind. Med. 10(4); 15; (1991)
  10. Planta Medica, Vol. 58(2), p. 146-149, (1992) 
  11.  Planta Medica, Vol. 57(1), p. 25-28, (1991) 
  12. Rage N. et al. Indian drugs, 21:569, (1972)


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